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About ChiChis And Me

Linda Hempler, an expert in the Chihuahua breed and owner of

Hi! I’m Linda, a Chihuahua breed expert with over 30 years of experience. I have dedicated my career to studying, understanding and ultimately becoming one of the leading authorities on Chihuahuas. 


6 Easy Ways To Relieve Your Chihuahua’s Boredom

I have a confession. There are days that I am very, very busy! Keeping up with a successful website, working part-time, and keeping two Chihuahuas and a cat busy is a lot to handle!

Bored Chihuahua?

But, I know that I am not alone in this. It’s a busy world that we live in and many feel that there just isn’t enough time in a day or the energy at the end of the day to do all that needs to be done.

Why It’s Important

But, is it really that important? After all, they are tiny little dogs, isn’t walking from one end of the house to the other end enough for them? The answer is no, that is not enough, and yes it’s very important that your Chihuahua gets enough exercise.

If a Chihuahua doesn’t get enough exercise or mental stimulation they may take matters into their own paws, so to speak. Not enough physical and mental stimulation leads to boredom. Boredom, in turn, leads to destructive behavior. Some of these are excessive:

  • Chewing (shoes, pillows, furniture, etc)
  • Barking (a very annoying behavior to you and your neighbors)
  • Digging (their nails will destroy a couch or sofa)

Dogs were meant to have something to do. For generations, they have worked alongside humans and generally kept busy. Now most people work outside the home and few live on farms anymore, so dogs are left alone to entertain themselves. Food, toys, and attention from you are given to them freely without any effort on their part thus the above behaviors. Destructive dogs aren’t bad dogs… they are bored dogs. Chihuahuas can become depressed if they have nothing to do all day but lay around.

Nose Games

Dogs’ noses are simply amazing! Using their noses to find things is a fun game for them. Play hide and seek with them. That is, hide the treats or toys. You can start by a simple game of “guess which hand” it’s in. Then you can graduate to hiding treats all over the house. It’s fun and mentally stimulating for them. It’s also a simple and easy solution for you. It doesn’t take much time to hide them and then you can do whatever while they are being mentally stimulated!

A Game Of Tug

This is one of my Remedy’s favorite games. You’d be surprised how much a short game of tug will tire out a Chihuahua. Make them jump for it, throw it and make them chase it. It’s an easy game for you and not very time-consuming. Just be careful and don’t play this with a Chi that tends to get aggressive. And don’t let your Chihuahua hang in the air or lift his paws off the ground while he’s tugging on the toy. See: Should You Play Tug With Your Chihuahua?

relieve a chihuahuas boredom by playing tug with them, like this beautiful long haired cream colored chihuahua tugging on a rope
A Good Ole’ Fashion Game Of Tug

Use Interactive Dog Toys and Puzzles

People and pet companies are becoming more and more aware of the importance of physical and mental stimulation for dogs, the result is more and more interactive toys and puzzles for dogs on the market.

chihuahuas boredom, chihuahua standing on books with books next to him and pencil in mouth wearing black glasses
You don’t have to send your Chihuahua to school to exercise his brain

Treat dispensing toys are a great way to bust your Chi’s boredom and they also cause your Chihuahua to have to use his brainpower. There are tons of different kinds and you are sure to find one or two or more that are just right for your Chihuahua.

Great puzzle games and toys are one of the best ways to get your Chihuahuas brain working and will tire him out too. Again, there are a plethora of different types so you will be sure to find one your Chihuahua loves.

Keep Them Working

Unlike some humans, dogs love to work. Working on some simple commands or even reinforcing the ones they know is a good way to keep them busy. Don’t ever just hand over a treat to your dog. Make them work for it. Have them perform a command such as sit, down, stay, touch, or even leave it before they get a treat. No free food or treats. No this isn’t mean, I promise, they enjoy it.

Give them a job to do. Train your Chihuahua to pick up the toys, or load the laundry basket, even pick up sticks or paper that the wind blew into your backyard. Again, dogs enjoy working, it is more like a game to them and prevents them from getting bored.

Socializing is Fun, Stimulating, and Tiring

Arrange a play date for your dog. Playing will tire them both out and you can enjoy the company of friends too.

Have compatable friendly dogs in the neighborhood? Great! No need to make special arrangements!

Meeting new people or other dogs, or even going to new places is a very important part of socializing your Chihuahua. It’s extremely important for puppies, but even adult and senior dogs need it. Meeting new people can be fun for you too.

Is meeting new people difficult for you? Dogs, especially cute little Chihuahuas are very effective conversation starters. Go sit on the outdoor patio at your favorite coffee shop or restaurant. Sit on a park bench at a well-populated park near you. Betcha you and your Chihuahua meet someone new.


Don’t let your Chihuahua have access to every toy you’ve ever bought them. Keep some put away somewhere and alternate toys every once in a while. Just like children, they get bored playing with the same old toys. This way they get what seems to them as a new toy to play with and you don’t even have to spend any extra money! Win, win!

relieve your chihuahua boredom, two chihuahuas in stroller in the toy aisle of pet store
They don’t need tons of toys, just alternate!

On the same note, when you walk your dog, don’t go the same old route. Put them in the car and drive to a different neighborhood. Then get out and walk. New sights, sounds, and most of all smells! He definitely won’t be bored, and neither will you.

Watch this video. What a great way to mentally and physically exercise your dog and bust boredom! Your dog may not catch on quite as quickly, obviously, this dog has been doing it for a while. Just make it fun and don’t scold or become impatient with him.

Up Next: Why Are Kong Toys The Best Interactive Toy On The Market?

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