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About ChiChis And Me

Linda Hempler, an expert in the Chihuahua breed and owner of

Hi! I’m Linda, a Chihuahua breed expert with over 30 years of experience. I have dedicated my career to studying, understanding and ultimately becoming one of the leading authorities on Chihuahuas. 


5 Secrets To Enjoying A Well Mannered Chihuahua

A Well-Mannered Dog is a Must These Days

Do you want a well-mannered Chihuahua that you can be proud of when around others? A well-mannered dog can result in a peaceful home. Do you know why Chihuahuas and some other toy breed dogs have such a bad reputation? Here’s a hint: it’s not because they were born bad. Two reasons actually:

  1. The dog wasn’t properly socialized
  2. Lack of training — Because they are so small, some owners let them get away with rudeness. Some even think it’s cute.

I love to take my Chihuahuas with me whenever I can. It’s one of the best things about having a toy breed dog. If you want your Chi to be welcome at more places, then he or she must be a well-mannered Chihuahua.

woman on a bridge taking a photo with chihuahua in pouch around her waist a well-mannered dog can go places with you
One of the great things about owning a Chihuahua is they are great little travelers. But if they are not a well-mannered Chihuahua, they may not be welcome where you go.

I had to learn this the hard way. I will admit that I let my first Chi get away with barking and snarling at strangers because like so many other new Chi moms and dads when he was little, I thought it was cute. “Oh look, he’s protecting me.” It wasn’t so cute when he got older.

I made the same mistake that many first-time Chi parents (and some not so new) make. Training him was not something I even thought about, so I never took the time to train mine to be a well-mannered Chihuahua. I did not put an end to this unwanted behavior immediately. When I realized my mistake, I did not make the same one with my other Chis.

Do you want your dog to be a good ambassador for this wonderful, intelligent, adorable breed? Do you want a well-mannered dog?

Here are 5 easy to follow tips.

  • Correct bad behavior immediately! (never yell or hit your Chi!) Do this with a firm “NO”.
  • Always use positive training methods
  • Catch them doing something good.
  • Be firm, but kind.
  • Never correct them after the fact.

Correct Bad Behavior Immediately!

If you don’t correct bad behavior immediately, it will become a habit. If you allow it to continue, it will get ingrained in their little brains that you expect this behavior. It’s easy to teach them good manners, but very difficult to un-teach bad behavior.

Always Use Positive Training Methods.

Always, always use positive training methods. Never, NEVER hit or yell at your dog! If you do, they may stop the behavior at that moment, but will only start to fear you. A fearful dog is NOT a happy dog. Only tyrants train their dogs using fear (and that’s the kindest word I can use).

girl training a chihuahua to lie down

Positive motivation works because Chihuahuas and dogs in general love your attention and they will perform anything you teach them over and over to get that positive attention that they love.

Catch Them Doing Something Good.

The best and easiest way to teach them manners is to catch them in the act of doing something that you want them to do. Then praise and/or treat them immediately. They will soon get the idea that you approve of this behavior.

chihuahua standing on a beach in front of the water with tongue touching nose

As an example, Chihuahuas will often stand on their hind legs trying to reach something. If you want to teach your dog to stand, take forward steps on hind legs, or turn a circle, then praise and/or treat them when they are naturally standing. It’s then pretty easy to add taking a few steps, or turning in circles once they understand “stand”. They will soon gladly do it on command because you have taught them that you approve of that behavior.

Be Firm, But Kind.

When they begin a behavior that you don’t want, in a firm, but kind voice tell them NO! You must be consistent. They will soon get the idea that you don’t like that particular behavior and will stop. If they are sitting on your lap or near you at the time, firmly tell them “no” and gently place them on the floor immediately.

chihuahua with looking up with a finger about to touch his nose. teaching yours to be a well mannered chihuahua

This works because along with your positive attention, they love nothing more than to be on your lap or near you. Again, if you do this consistently, they will soon get the idea that you don’t like that behavior and it results in them being on the floor and not beside you where they want to be. Chihuahuas want to please you and they know when you are not pleased.

This works for any Chihuahua that may growl when someone or another pet comes near you. With training, he will learn to be a well-mannered Chihuahua whenever others or other animals come near you while on your lap.

Never Correct Them After The Fact.

Never tell them no, or bad dog after the fact. They will have no clue what they did wrong. For instance, if they have an accident, but you don’t find it until later, don’t give it any attention at all, just clean it up and say or do nothing. Your dog will not understand the correlation between the accident that happened hours or even minutes ago and your displeasure.

a chihuahua cowering with finger pointing at poop. teach your chihuahua to be a well-mannered chihuahua

If you consistently apply these easy steps you will soon have a well-mannered Chihuahua. One that you will be proud of when you are with others.

Don’t miss: What Does It Mean to be Dominate?

Or our book: “How To Train A Chihuahua”.

If trying to train your Chihuahua seems like too difficult a task for you, hire a trainer or take a class. It is not as expensive as you may think and the investment will give you and your Chihuahua a lifetime of joy together.

You can take an online course that I think is a good investment. It’s called K-9 Training Institute. It is an online course that is easy to follow and teaches you how to train your Chihuahua to be a well-mannered Chihuahua step by step, just like they train service dogs. We know how well-mannered service dogs are. They have to be because they go everywhere and in all different situations with their humans. They have both a “Master Class” and a “Lite Version” that will fit most budgets. However, begin with their FREE workshop so you can see what and how they teach you to train your Chihuahua.

To learn more about it and to sign up for the class, just click the button below:


You can also find a trainer near you that will come to you or offer classes in your area. If you think more one on one training would work best for you, this website will give you a list to choose from that are near or in your area. Just click the button below to see those in your area.


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