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Linda Hempler, an expert in the Chihuahua breed and owner of

Hi! I’m Linda, a Chihuahua breed expert with over 30 years of experience. I have dedicated my career to studying, understanding and ultimately becoming one of the leading authorities on Chihuahuas. 


Why Is My Chihuahua Making That Honking Noise?

Does your Chihuahua make a weird honking noise? Sometimes it sounds like snorting or even grunting. It sounds like they are gasping for air! It’s very common for Chihuahuas and some other small breeds. That sound can be very very scary if you don’t know what it is.

What is it?

The medical term is paroxysmal respiration, but it is also known as backward or reverse sneezing. What happens is your Chihuahua begins to rapidly pull air into the nose. In contrast, in a regular sneeze the air is rapidly pushed out through the nose, thus the name reverse, or backward sneezing. When your Chihuahua begins to rapidly pull in the air it results in a snorting sound, kinda like he is trying to inhale while sneezing.

It is extremely scary to witness. I’ll never forget my first experience with it. When I got my first Chihuahua many years ago I knew nothing about Chihuahuas. As a matter of fact, it had even been a long time since I had a dog of any breed. I remember being very scared and sure my dog was dying, that he couldn’t breathe. It took several costly trips to the veterinarian (the same ones I worked for years later) to learn that it was actually what is known as backward sneezing and what to do about it.

What Causes Backward Sneezing?

The exact cause is unknown however, many veterinarians believe that they are triggered by irritation to the upper airway, either the nose, sinuses, or the back of the throat. It may be an attempt to remove mucus from the respiratory system, or it may just be over-excitement.

Obesity is definitely a contributor, so please don’t let your Chihuahua become very overweight (see how much to feed my dog), it is very hard on them and their health in so many ways.

L to R: Remedy, Winston, Cora. All three of mine do it although Cora does it most often

Unfortunately for those of us who have Chihuahuas that do this, it is very frustrating that they simply seem to have no cause and that they happen at random.

Most often it happens after exercise, play, or when overly excited, mine do it when I get home from work…they get so excited to see me – the best part of owning a Chihuahua, such a loyal little dog!

Some, however, have witnessed it even while their Chi is napping. It can be caused by dust, pollen, cigarette smoke, or other allergens. I’d like to hear from you-does your Chi reverse sneeze? When do you notice it most often?

How is it Treated?

Usually, there is no medical treatment needed. However, there are things that you can do to stop the cycle while it is happening. Try gently stroking the neck and chest. Try covering both nostrils for a few seconds or lightly blowing in his nostrils. Once your Chihuahua exhales the episode is usually over. Mine responds best to stroking the neck and chest.

How Long Does It Last?

It can last for several (agonizing) seconds to a minute, although some have reported longer episodes. Maybe that’s because those few seconds or minutes can seem like hours when it is your Chihuahua that is doing it.

If your Chihuahua does the backward sneezing more than twice a day or has them often you should get them evaluated by your veterinarian. Some (I’ve seen on social media) confuse it with a collapsed trachea. The noise they make with a collapsed trachea is often much like that of a reverse sneeze, so if it happens out of the blue and it is not a common occurrence for your Chihuahua, please take him to your veterinarian. Although treatable, a collapsed trachea can be more serious.

But, if it is just a matter of paroxysmal respiration or backward sneezing it is not a medical emergency and no medical treatment is needed.

What Is The Treatment?

So, there you have it. Your Chihuahua’s honking is really pretty common and nothing to worry about. It requires no medication or treatment.

But remember, you are your Chihuahua’s best advocate. You know your Chihuahua better than anyone else, so keep your Chihuahua away from environmental allergens as much as possible. If you smoke, just stop that right now (for your sake as well as theirs)! Watch for allergies, excessive licking, biting, scratching are signs of an allergy. Just always be on the lookout for any unusual symptoms and have your Chihuahua checked by a veterinarian at least once a year, twice a year is better, and don’t neglect dental cleanings.

Watch Pebbles & I explain backward sneezing as well as an example of a Chi that is backward sneezing on our YouTube Channel (why not subscribe while you are there?)


So, now you know, unless you have given them a bone or have seen them eat something and suspect that your Chihuahua is actually choking on something or if it is something new and unusual for him/her, there is nothing to worry about, so relax and try stoking his/her neck and chest.

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