How Do You Go On After Losing Your Best Friend?

Pets are our family. They can be our best friend, our confidant and our constant companion. Sometimes we call ourselves pet parents. We care every day for their every need, thus it’s easy to think of them as human children. When they are gone, it’s almost as devastating as losing a child. Not everyone can understand this. But those that have lost a beloved pet do. I do. That’s why I wrote this book.

If you read my blog then you know that I am a full-time professional blogger and a stay at home Chihuahua mommy. There are many people that either has no children or their children are grown and living on their own with their own lives and families to take care of. There are others that their dogs’ are their only family and get very attached to their dogs and think of them as their family. They don’t take the place of our human families, of course, but they help fill the need that we all have to take care of others.

In this book, we will look at some of the things that are involved in the loss of a pet and start to piece together a way that you can cope with this loss in your own way. We will explore how to recognize the different stages of grief, how to cope with them and ways that you can remember and honor your beloved pet in your own unique way. There is no need to rush, you can do this in your own time but this book will help you every step of the way.



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