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Linda Hempler, an expert in the Chihuahua breed and owner of

Hi! I’m Linda, a Chihuahua breed expert with over 30 years of experience. I have dedicated my career to studying, understanding and ultimately becoming one of the leading authorities on Chihuahuas. 


How To Teach Your Chihuahua To Wear Clothes Willingly

Easy steps; how to get a dog to wear clothes. Would you like to put cute clothes on your Chihuahua but don’t know how to get a dog to wear clothes? Then this is the right article for you.

So you’ve decided, — maybe after reading our post: — 3 Reasons putting clothes on a Chihuahua is not a bad thing — that you want to put some sweaters, coats, or other apparel on your Chihuahua, but he or she is just not having it! According to the AKC Chihuahuas are one of the breeds that need winter protection.

Never Try To Force Any Dog To Wear Clothes

If you want to get a dog to wear clothes, please don’t try to force it on him. If your Chihuahua has never worn clothes before, the very first time can be quite scary for him. They don’t know that you are just trying to keep him or her warm. To them, it is just an unknown experience and anything new or unknown can be scary for your Chihuahua.

chihuahua wearing cute red sweater
It’s best to begin when they are puppies

If you get a puppy and you plan to at some point in their lives to put clothes on them, then now is the time to begin. Puppies at a certain age are more curious than afraid. That is the time he or she will be most willing to let you put clothes on him. Once he is used to it, it is no longer an unknown experience and he can be quite comfortable with it. Some dogs truly like wearing clothes. Why?

Some Dogs Love To Dress Up, Really?

Because of the thing they crave the most … your attention. When you put a coat or sweater or other apparel on your Chihuahua what do you do? You say in your happy voice, “how cute!” or “your look so pretty (or handsome!)” To them, that is positive reinforcement. They simply love the attention.

5 Steps to Train Your Chihuahua To Wear Clothes

  1. Begin as early as possible with simple clothes that close around the chest or belly. Avoid pullovers, clothes with hoods, confining, or any that cover their legs or hindquarters. While he is a puppy is the best time. If they are already an adult, you can still train them to wear clothes, it just may take more time and patience.
  2. Allow your Chihuahua to sniff the clothes that you want to put on him. Lay the piece of clothing somewhere and just let him sniff and smell it. Dogs are curious, and if you just lay it on the floor or couch, they will eventually go sniff and smell it. When he does, praise him and even offer a treat. This will give him a positive association with clothing.
  3. Next, gently touch him on the side with the piece of clothing. If he stands still, praise him and offer a treat. On the other hand, if he is nervous or uncomfortable, just stop and try again later. If you continue when he is not comfortable or is afraid, he will develop, instead, a bad association with clothes.
  4. The next step would be to lay it on his back (remember, nothing that goes over the head, legs, or hindquarters at the beginning. Leave it there for a second, then take it off until the next session.
  5. Once you have clothes on him successfully give your Chihuahua his favorite toy or puzzle that you have filled with treats. This will keep him busy and distract him from the clothing. He will also associate having on clothes with something fun. Continue to praise him each time you put clothes on him.
  6. The very first time leave the garment on him for a very short time. Once he is comfortable, increase the time wearing clothes by 5 minutes each day. Then 10 minutes, etc. If he shows any discomfort at any time, go back to leaving it on for a shorter period of time.
Chihuahua wearing cute gray sweater dress

Don’t try to do all the steps at once or even in one day, or he will become stressed. This will take time and patience. Try doing the first step twice a day for a while until he is very comfortable with it and has no negative reaction.

Do the same with the rest of the steps. This may take weeks of two sessions a day. Be patient, never yell, get frustrated, or show impatience. Doing so will reinforce his associating clothes with stress and anxiety.

Great Options for The Begining Fashionista:

All of these adorable warm coats and jackets close at the chest and belly. No need to slip over their head or anything that covers the head, legs, or hindquarters.

Frisco Boulder Plaid Insulated Dog Puffer Coat
Frisco Boulder Plaid Insulated Dog Puffer Coat

Warm, features a protective, water-resistant shell on one side, and a cozy fleece lining on the inside. Velcro closures and covered leash hole

Frisco Fleece Jacket
Frisco Fleece Jacket

Cozy, fleece for warmth and breathable.
Attaches with hook-and-loop fasteners at the belly. A cute little embroidered bone detail and a leash hole

Frisco Pea Coat Dress
Frisco Pea Coat Dress

Fleece lining for warmth, pea coat dress design faux fur accent and a flared skirt.
Attaches with hook-and-loop fasteners up the belly. Hole for leash

Up Next: Best and Warmest Winter Clothes For Your Chihuahua

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