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About ChiChis And Me

Linda Hempler, an expert in the Chihuahua breed and owner of

Hi! I’m Linda, a Chihuahua breed expert with over 30 years of experience. I have dedicated my career to studying, understanding and ultimately becoming one of the leading authorities on Chihuahuas. 


Is It Wrong to Adopt a Purebred Puppy?

Is it wrong to adopt a purebred puppy
My Mission At ChiChis And Me

I advocate for Chihuahuas and their sad plight. Chihuahuas and Chihuahua mixes are one of the breeds most often surrendered to shelters and as a result, shelters cannot find homes for all of them so they are also one of the most often euthanized breeds — second only to pit bulls.

It is my mission to help change that by educating and helping Chihuahua owners, guardians, and parents understand the breed and their unique qualities with health, nutrition, training, and behavior information.

Chihuahuas are very loyal, loving, and protective. If those wonderful qualities are not channeled in the right direction, well, let’s face it, we all know some “mean little devil” Chihuahuas.

Is It Wrong To Adopt A Purebred Puppy?

May 1st is National Purebred Dog Day, so, this brings up the question, knowing the plight of Chihuahuas and other dogs in need that are crowding the shelters, is it wrong to adopt a purebred puppy of any breed, but especially a Chihuahua?

Is it wrong to adopt a purebred puppy?
Purebred Chihuahua Puppies.

It has become so popular and “politically correct” to spout the importance of adopting a dog in need from a shelter or to “rescue” a dog, that it has become almost shameful, taboo to even think about adopting a purebred puppy and bringing one home. I know people who have adopted a purebred dog from a responsible breeder but would not admit it to anyone but their closest friends for fear of being judged and berated.

Let’s Stop The Hatred

Our modern society seems to go from one extreme to another. One movement may be wildly popular one minute and completely forgotten about the next. Soon people are on to something else.

I hope that awareness of the plight of dogs in need, — but not the fanatical views and judgment — never goes away. Wouldn’t you agree?

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No doubt you may have some very strong opinions on the subject. I have very strong opinions on the subject. It is so easy in our world of social media and the internet to hide behind the cloak of anonymity and to shove our own opinions on others and hurl hatred at those that disagree with our opinions.

About Breeders

The truth is humans have a long history of breeding dogs with love, ethics, and concern for the health and welfare of their dogs. Is it what I recommend? I would never judge another person for their decision either way.

Is it wrong to adopt a purebred puppy?
Should you buy a puppy from a pet store? Don’t be misled, puppies found in pet stores come from unknown breeders, most probably a puppy mill.  Don’t miss: How Much is That Puppy in The Window? >>

I would, however, strongly caution about where to get a purebred puppy. The fact is there are many breeders that do not care about the welfare of their puppies or the mommy dogs that they breed.

Some breeders, of course, don’t care about anything except the money they can make from these innocent dogs. These are known as “puppy mills”. These need to be shut down!

There are some breeders, called “backyard” breeders. These are also puppy mills on a smaller scale.

Some of these “backyard” breeders may have started out with the best of intentions but got overwhelmed and it became too much for them. They do not have the knowledge or experience, or the proper facility to breed dogs humanely and safely. These breeders need help, not hatred.

The Take-Away

Keep in mind that there are many shelters and rescue organizations that have purebred dogs that need loving homes. You may have to wait for the right one for you to come along, but at least you’ll be giving a home to a dog in need.

So, in conclusion, whether you adopt from a responsible breeder or from a shelter, remember that bringing a dog home is a lifetime commitment. Make sure that you are ready and able to care for that dog for a lifetime. Keep in mind that there is a lot of work involved. You can’t bring home a dog and expect it to be a perfectly behaved companion right away or even at all times.

Responsible Pet Ownership

Committing to a pet involves socializing and training. Period! It involves cost over a lifetime. Accidents happen even to the most watchful of dog guardians. The dog may have a serious accident. If that should happen it will involve costly vet bills.

Health problems that involve vet bills may also become costly, especially as the dog becomes older. Dogs should have an annual checkup with the vet and professional dental cleaning at least once a year, preferably every six months for a Chihuahua.

Make sure that you calculate all of this before you bring a dog home, not after. There is no excuse. I realize that unforeseen circumstances happen in life and your living arrangements or financial situation may change over time. In these situations, there are agencies, programs, and organizations that can help.

Leave a comment below, but be kind and respectful of others’ opinions. Any unkind or profane comments will not be approved.

If you are longing for a purebred Chihuahua puppy and are thinking about adopting one, I have done the research for you and I have a list of breeders that I know are responsible and lovingly care for the dogs that they breed.

Should you wish to adopt from or to help or donate to a Chihuahua rescue, I recommend Chihuahua Rescue And Transport. This hard-working group of compassionate individuals rescue unwanted Chihuahuas and transport them to loving homes all over the U.S. There are many ways you can help them including donating.

purebred puppy

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