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Linda Hempler, an expert in the Chihuahua breed and owner of

Hi! I’m Linda, a Chihuahua breed expert with over 30 years of experience. I have dedicated my career to studying, understanding and ultimately becoming one of the leading authorities on Chihuahuas. 


Calming Pheromones

What Are Calming Pheromones?

According to Valarie Tynes, DVM, President of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists and a Veterinary Services Specialist with Ceva Animal Health in Lenexa, Kansas they are how animals communicate.

“Natural Pheromones are odorless and colorless chemical signals.” Pheromones are odorless and colorless chemical signals that are species-specific, according to Dr. Tynes. This means that the same pheromones for cats will not work for dogs and visa versus.

calming pheromones, Chihuahua relaxing
Just chillaxing because my mom uses calming pheromones

Natural pheromones are a mixture of esters of fatty acids released by the sebaceous glands in the inter-mammary sulcus of lactating female dogs.

Scientests have developed synthetic pheromones that ideally mimic the natural pheromones.

Stress In Dogs

Synthetic pheromones for dogs can comfort them. They send reassuring messages. Dogs thrive on routine and sometimes even the slightest deviation can cause stress in your dog which can lead to some unwanted behvaiors.

New situations such as moving to a new home, learning new things or conflict with other pets in the home.

Of course, just like humans, some dogs can cope with new situations better than others.

As an example, we had lived in our home for Chico and Pebble’s whole lives, but in 2014 we moved to a new home. Pebbles adapted right away. Chico, on the other hand, had some trouble adapting for a while.

However, when we brought our baby, Remedy Jane into the family, Chico had no problem adapting. Pebble’s, on the other hand, became very stressed and developed a self-calming habit. See The Nightmare Known as Lick Granuloma.

What Do Synthetic Pheromones Dog?

There are many things in our human modern environment that conflict with our dog’s natural and instinctive need and as a result, with their sense of well-being. Pheromones can provide that sense of safety and well-being.

How Can They Help My Dog?

Pheromones can help your dog if he becomes stressed in certain situations. Such as loud noises like thunderstorms and fireworks.

calming pheromones
All I need is my teddy bear and my pheromones

Some dogs became stressed and confused and upset when left at home alone, thus separation anxiety develops.

Pheromones can help dogs in these — and other stressful situations — feel safe and can prevent behaviors like whining, crying, pacing and destructive behaviors.

Not A Magical Solution

Pheromones, however, don’t work for every issue or behavioral problem that your dog may be experiencing. They can be used in combination with behavior modification and other medical treatments that your veterinarian may recommend. It is important to discuss any behavioral concerns with a veterinarian behaviorist.

Choosing The Right Type of Pheromones

You can buy calming pheromones in different formats. There are plug-in diffusers, collars, sprays, and wet wipes.

Sentry has a great diffuser that works very well. It has a sustained release technology that releases pheromones slowly for 30 days.

They also have a collar that is a good alternative or in addition to a diffuser. Diffusers are limited in the confines of a designated room. This collar goes where your dog goes at home or on the go.

Sprays are also a convenient way to calm your dog. Only Natural Pet has a simple and convenient spray that is a great way to go.

There are even calming pheromone chews. I’ve not tried them, but SENTRY GOOD Behavior Calming Chews for Dogs is what I’d recommend They contain a blend of pheromone, chamomile, l-tryptophan, and thiamine. These soft chews are great for daily or occasional use.

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