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All information found here is written exclusively by me and I never use AI generated content.

About ChiChis And Me

Hi! I’m Linda, a Chihuahua breed expert with over 30 years of experience. I have dedicated my career to studying, understanding and ultimately becoming one of the leading authorities on Chihuahuas. 


Meet Chico


We lost our precious Chico in death on July 17, 2020. We will miss him so very much. He has left a great big hole in our hearts and our lives!

If you have read my “ABOUT US” page, then you know that we have three wonderful little ones. I’d like to take this time to tell you a little bit about them, after all, it’s because of them that I started this website. When I got my very first Chihuahua, I quickly realized that they were a little different from all the other dogs that we had owned.

You can meet Pebbles and Remedy Jane by going to the very top menu, hover on “about us” then on the drop down click either “Meet Pebbles” or Meet Remedy Jane“.

I looked everywhere for accurate and trustworthy advice on raising a Chihuahua. I found little to none. After over 17 years of experience owning and raising Chihuahuas, I began this website so you and others would have a place to go for accurate advice and answers to your questions.

How Chico Came To Us

At this writing, he is 16 years old (he was born 03-10-2003). He was given to me as a gift from my step-son, daughter-in-law, and my step-daughter. He came to live with us at only 9 weeks old. I can unreservedly say that he is the greatest gift that I have ever received!

He admittedly is a little spoiled. He now has arthritis, doesn’t see as well as he used to, will no longer go up and down the stairs, and is a little grumpy. However, at his age, I think he is entitled to be a little grumpy.

Chico, my bambino
Chico at around 10 years old

Although Chico is not a very unique name for a boy Chihuahua — Chico is the most common name given to male Chihuahuas — the name fits him to a tee. In Spanish, it means “little boy”, and is considered an endearment. Besides, I just love saying “Chico, my bambino”.

Although now he is mostly grey, Chico is a black and white Chihuahua and weighs about 5 lbs. He at this time is my only male. (I don’t and never have bred Chihuahuas). He used to be master of the house, but now that he is older my two girls have taken over. Not because they are female, but because they can. He’s 16 and it’s two against one, after all.

Always Brave

Chico is and always has been a quiet dog. He doesn’t bark a lot (although he will growl at times, (as I said, he’s a little grumpy in his old age) and is very obedient. He is very smart and learns quickly.

Chico has always been up for traveling. He loves traveling by car and will sleep most of the way or just enjoy soaking up the sun when the sun is shining on him and he never makes a peep. I have to keep turning around to check and make sure that he is okay because he is so quiet.

Chico And OCD

I have always said — affectionally of course — that he has issues. Dogs can have obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD just like people and even though there is no test for it, his veterinarian and I are pretty sure he has it. It shows when he is eating, or entering or exiting the dog door. He must turn counter-clockwise — always counter-clockwise — circles first.

This is a video demonstrating his OCD. Please, don’t worry, he has done this all his life and he always gets plenty to eat, although it takes him a while.

My dogs have inspired me to make ChiChis And Me my full-time career. Chico is ChiChis And Me’s “Senior Ambassador”. He is the reason I write blog posts about senior Chihuahuas and he wants to help you take the best care of your senior’s health and well-being.

Favorite Game

Chico’s favorite game is chase — that is me chasing him. Even now, although he doesn’t run anymore, he will walk away from me and look back to see if I’m following. If I am, he’ll speed up as much as he can hoping I’ll follow.

Let me tell you my favorite story about Chico. Many years ago, Chico went out to potty. I went to the kitchen for just a minute to get something (I don’t remember now what it was) and when I came back Chico was gone! One of the utility employees had left the gate open and I didn’t notice when I let him out.

Chico, my bambino
Chico at 15, a little grayer, but still my bambino!

I looked and looked for him on foot, from the car, and on foot again. I knocked on every door asking if anyone had seen him. Then I saw the Animal Control truck going down a nearby street. That’s when I panicked. I just knew they had him.

Funny, at the time I didn’t even think about the fact that he had on a collar and tag and he is microchipped so if they did have him they would have called the number on the tag or checked for a microchip.

So, I started running after the Animal Control Car. I’m running just as fast as my legs will carry me trying to catch up to the truck and all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye, I see Chico running to catch up to me. He was chasing me! I’m sure he thought it was such a fun game! Does your Chi have a favorite game?

Favorite Toy

Today, Chico prefers to sleep than to play, but when he was little his favorite toy was a little yellow duck. He would carry it around in his mouth all the time. It was not unusual to see him fall asleep with his little “ducky” still in his mouth. Does your Chi have a favorite toy?

I’d like to hear about your Chihuahua too. Just tell us about your beautiful and unique Chihuahua in the comments below. Then go on over to our photo gallery and see our other reader’s photos.

You may even see your Chihuahua’s photo in our next “Weekly Tips” email!

We also have an ongoing “Chi of the Month” Contest”, so be sure to enter your Chihuahua’s photo and your Chihuahua may win his very own webpage and appear in our Monthly Newsletter and in our “Hall of Fame”!

Next Page: Meet Pebbles

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