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Linda Hempler, an expert in the Chihuahua breed and owner of

Hi! I’m Linda, a Chihuahua breed expert with over 30 years of experience. I have dedicated my career to studying, understanding and ultimately becoming one of the leading authorities on Chihuahuas. 


The Ultimate Guide To Your Chihuahua’s Vaccines — part two; vaccine protocol

Part 2 of series on Chihuahua vaccines – Protocol and vaccine schedule. Don’t miss Part one: Everything You Should Know About Vaccinating your Chihuahua

Vaccinating your Chihuahua is important for protecting him from many dangerous, even deadly diseases. Rabies vaccines are required by law in many states, but there are other vaccines that can protect them from other serious diseases. But are all the vaccines available necessary for your Chihuahua? Is it really necessary to get them every year? Let’s find out.

What are vaccines for Dogs?

Since January 2020 we have all heard more about vaccines than any of us wanted to know. But how do dog vaccines work?

Vaccines help your Chihuahua’s immune system to defend itself from an invasion of any organisms that cause certain diseases. They contain antibodies that mimic the organisms that cause the disease, but without actually causing the disease itself. Have you ever wondered what vaccines you need and what the recommended Chihuahua schedule is? Keep reading.

brown and white chihuahua sitting on a clip board with medical records clipped to it

The reason for this is to stimulate the immune system to recognize that the antibodies are present. Then if your Chihuahua becomes exposed to the real thing its immune system will recognize it and prepare to fight it off, or at least reduce its effects.

What are core and non-core vaccines?

Core vaccines are those that are considered necessary for all dogs because of the risk of exposure, the severity of the disease, and the risk of transmitting that disease to other dogs or other animals (including humans).

Core vaccines besides rabies are not generally required by law but are considered to be absolutely necessary for all dogs.

The following are deemed to be core vaccines:

  • Canine Parvovirus
  • Canine Distemper
  • Hepatitis
  • Rabies

Vaccines considered to be non-core are:

  • Bordetella
  • Canine Influenza (dog flu)
  • Leptospirosis
  • Lyme vaccine

Count those up. If your Chihuahua gets all the vaccines available once a year, that’s 8 different vaccines usually given all at once. Think about this: The amount or dose of the vaccine is the same for all dogs from Great Danes to Chihuahuas. They all get the same dose.

Are any vaccines considered optional?

Every vaccine available to dogs plays a role in preventing some type of disease and some veterinarians will tell you that your Chihuahua should get them all once a year every year. However, some of these vaccines should only be given to some Chihuahuas depending on the following:

  • Age
  • Medical history
  • Environment
  • Travel habits
  • Lifestyle

Non-core vaccines are also sometimes called “lifestyle” vaccines because whether you choose to give your Chihuahua these vaccines depend much on the environment and what part of the world they live in. More on that in this series. The following is the recommended Chihuahua puppy vaccine schedule:

Puppy Vaccine Schedule

Puppies AgeRecommended VaccinesOptional Vaccines
Puppies AgeRecommended VaccinesOptional Vaccines
6 to 8 weeksDistemper, parvovirusBordetella
10 to 12 weeksDHPP (vaccines for distemper, adenovirus [hepatitis], parainfluenza, and parvovirus)Influenza, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease per lifestyle as recommended by a veterinarian
16 to 18 weeksDHPP, rabiesInfluenza, Lyme disease, Leptospirosis, Bordetella per lifestyle
12 to 16 monthsDHPP, rabiesCoronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease

How Much Do Puppy Vaccines Cost?

The cost of all those vaccines depends on several things. The number one is where you live. If you live in a crowded and expensive urban city the charge will be more than it would be in a small town or rural area. These price differences are usually quite significant. However, no matter the cost, your Chihuahua puppy needs some of these vaccines.

chihuahua puppy on vet table with vaccine bottles, syringe, and gloves

Some shelters charge much less and some are even free. If cost is a factor for you check all the nearby shelters for prices. If you got your puppy from a shelter they will already have all the necessary vaccines up until you take them home.

Adult Boosters

How Long Are The Vaccines Good For?

According to the Metropolitan Veterinary Center, the following is the length of time that your Chihuahua is protected from those diseases.

  • DHPP – 3 years
  • Rabies – 3 years
  • Leptospirosis – 1 year
  • Canine Influenza – 1 year
  • Lyme Disease – 1 year
  • Bordetella (Kennel Cough) – 6 months

Watch for the rest of our series on vaccines. We will discuss each of these vaccines. What they are and how to decide whether your Chihuahua needs a certain vaccine so that you can make an informed decision that is right for your Chi and your lifestyle. We will also discuss the titer test, what it is and whether you should get one for your Chihuahua. Don’t miss it! Sign up for our Weekly Tips emails to be sure you don’t miss it!


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