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Linda Hempler, an expert in the Chihuahua breed and owner of

Hi! I’m Linda, a Chihuahua breed expert with over 30 years of experience. I have dedicated my career to studying, understanding and ultimately becoming one of the leading authorities on Chihuahuas. 


What Is Reiki For Chihuahuas?

I only recently learned about Reiki for dogs. Reiki pronounced Ray-key, is a type of energy healing used in alternative and holistic care for both humans and dogs. Some have claimed amazing results. Does your Chihuahua need it?

I’ve never tried it, but I know that some of you are very interested in alternative and holistic approaches to your Chihuahua’s health care, so I did the research so you can decide whether it might be something for you or not.

What Is Reiki?

According to the renowned veterinarian, Victoria Stillwell, Reiki can be used as preventative care as well as for sick or injured dogs and helps maintain their general well-being.

Reiki works throughout the body and each chakra to create a positive energy flow and remove any energy blockages that may exist.

What Is a Chakra?

Rather than me trying to explain it, here is what Wikipedia says chakras are. It is apparently an ancient healing process that stems from the Hindi religions.

Chakras (Sanskrit: चक्र, IAST: cakra, Pali: cakka, lit. wheel, circle; English: 
/ˈtʃʌk-, ˈtʃækrə/ CHUK-, CHAK-rə[2]) are the various focal points in the subtle body used in a variety of ancient meditation practices, collectively denominated as Tantra, or the esoteric or inner traditions of Hinduism.[3][4][5]
The concept is found in the early traditions of Hinduism.[6] Beliefs differ between the Indian religions, with many Buddhist texts consistently mentioning five chakras, while Hindu sources offer six or even seven.[7][3][4] Early Sanskrit texts speak of them both as meditative visualizations combining flowers and mantras and as physical entities in the body.[7] Some modern interpreters speak of them as complexes of electromagnetic variety, the precise degree and variety of which directly arise from a synthetic average of all positive and negative so-called “fields”, thus eventuating the complex Nadi.[8][4] Within kundalini yoga, the techniques of breath exercisesvisualizationsmudrasbandhaskriyas, and mantras are focused on manipulating the flow of subtle energy through chakras.[9][6][10] ~ Wikipedia

A Reiki Session

During a session, your Chihuahua might become very relaxed and even fall asleep. Other times he may become energized after a session. Each dog will react in a way that best suits them. It can be as short as 5 or 10 minutes or as long as an hour or more. The length of a session depends on the dog himself and how much healing he feels he needs.

Your dog knows exactly how much he or she needs and once he has absorbed all the energy he needs, your dog will simply walk away. Often they say with some sort of show of affection as a kind of thank you.

How It Works

A session may be in person or remotely. If in-person, the dogs should be in a room that is familiar and one that he feels comfortable enough to relax in. The practitioner does not need to hold the dog in place or force them to stay on a bed or table. It is professed that the energy will flow throughout the dog no matter where in the room they are.

Generally, they will lie beside the practitioner and allow him or her to gently move or place their hands over their body.

Because it is gentle and non-invasive it can be used on any dog regardless of age size or even breed.

Common Uses

Reiki is often used as a complementary therapy at a veterinarian’s office and is a way to help calm your dog because of the increased stress level that your dog may experience while there.

It is also claimed to heal your dog emotionally and physically from any treatments that may have been performed while at the veterinarian’s office. It can help the healing process after your Chi has had surgery when they return home.

Some have used Reiki for separation anxiety when left at home or when being boarded. It is a side benefit knowing that your dog is calm while you are away and eases your mind. Some have said that they no longer worry or feel guilty when away from their Chihuahua.

Sometimes a Chihuahua’s behavior at home may have changed — usually for the worse — when an owner returns home after having left their Chihuahua with someone or has boarded them, because of the stress and anxiety that the Chi may have experienced while the owner was away.

However, if the practice of Reiki was used to keep your Chihuahua calm while you were away, you no longer have to worry about that according to some who have used Reiki.

Finding A Practitioner

There are three levels of training to perform Reiki on a dog. A level one or level two practitioner can perform Reiki in person with hands-on healing.

A level three practitioner or master may perform Reiki remotely. To become a level, three-master, a person must learn all the activation symbols and practice for sometimes years before they are comfortable and confident with the procedure.

I am in no way promoting Reiki healing. I know some that use and recommend it, and I simply want to inform my readers of another alternative and holistic approach to caring for their Chihuahua.

So, you decide. Have you used Reiki before? Did it help? If not would you try it? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Do you know someone that would benefit from reading this article? Be sure to share it with them!



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