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Linda Hempler, an expert in the Chihuahua breed and owner of

Hi! I’m Linda, a Chihuahua breed expert with over 30 years of experience. I have dedicated my career to studying, understanding and ultimately becoming one of the leading authorities on Chihuahuas. 


What You Don’t Know About Raw Diets

A Raw Dog Food Diet Is What Pet Parents Are Talking About Now But is a raw dog food diet right for your Chihuahua? How do you know? What people call a raw dog food diet has become the new “fad” in the world of dogs. Why do I say “fad”? Well, what do you think when you hear the words “fad diet” for humans? We are intrigued by them. Some fad diet followers are really fanatical about them — when talking about diets either for dogs or humans.

The “raw dog food diet” has some definite flaws. But, you might be wondering why so many people are quick to buy into it. One positive thing about the raw dog food diet is that it is waaaaay better than processed dog food. So, let’s get to the nitty-gritty of the raw dog food diet. However, with that being said, it also contributes to malnutrition. A raw diet for your Chihuahua does not have enough nutrients nor is it a balanced diet.

Wild Dogs Eat A Raw Diet

The number one thing that raw dog food supporters claim is that domesticated dogs should eat like a wild dog. When we think of wild dogs eating we conjure up a scene of wild dogs ripping and tearing into raw meat and bones. While it’s nice to think of our dogs eating naturally, what’s important to remember is that wild dogs ate that way because it’s all that was available to them. Our pampered pooches, however, have the opportunity to eat better and therefore live longer and healthier lives.

Giving your dog whole bones is taking a risk of them choking, breaking teeth, or causing internal punctures when digested. Adding ground bone leads to overwhelming your dog’s body with high phosphorus levels. This is especially dangerous for senior dogs. Wild dogs may survive on eating meat and bones, but it also caused many deaths. In fact, the leading cause of death of wild dogs is intestinal and/or esophageal obstruction and malnutrition.

What Does The FDA Recommend?

I’ve heard the argument that dogs don’t get salmonella bacteria from a raw diet because their digestive tract is different from ours. However, in July 2012 the FDA published a conclusive study that found a high risk of salmonella and listeria bacterias in a raw dog food diet.

After conducting studies, The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) has also cautioned against feeding a raw diet.

“Feeding a raw protein diet no longer concerns only each individual pet, but has become a larger community health issue; for this reason, AAHA can no longer support or advocate the feeding of raw protein diets to pets.” ~ American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)

The National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians (NASPHV) has also endorsed and is in agreement with this statement.

Say Goodbye To Those Sweet Puppy Kisses

If you feed your dog a raw dog food then say goodbye to those puppy kisses. Did you know that the bacteria present in raw meat can be passed from dogs to humans? You should never let a dog that is eating a raw diet lick you. The FDA says it’s not only the very young or the elderly that are at risk, but it can also make anyone sick.

Imagine this; when you feed your dog a raw diet, you have touched the raw meat, which could be contaminated then your dog eats it and then goes and licks the baby. Feeding dogs raw dog food is a huge health hazard.

Health Benefits

Actually, a much better, more nutritious, and balanced diet is feeding your Chihuahua a fresh, human-grade diet. Feeding fresh has no risks involved if you know the correct nutritional balance. Just by ditching a processed or unbalanced diet and switching to a fresh food diet, you will notice a shinier and softer coat, better skin, cleaner teeth, small stools with less stink, and higher energy levels.

However, I caution; If you are thinking of making your own dog food at home from fresh ingredients, just remember that just because it is homemade and from fresh ingredients does not mean is has enough of the right nutrients and may not be balanced.

Dog in the wild did not eat only meat and bones, they also ate vegetation because their bodies need the carbohydrates found in vegetables, fruits, and other carbohydrates found in wheat, barley, oats, and rice.

Feed Your Chihuahua The Very Best Guaranteed Nutritional and Balanced Diet

I recommend the following two veterinarian-approved fresh dog food delivery services. Check them out and compare them. My dogs love both!

These benefits are all because of no more artificial ingredients and fillers along with a concentration of real foods that give your dog the nutrients that he needs.

So, if you are considering or are now feeding your Chihuahua a raw diet you will be or are risking their health and that of your family. Instead, feed them a fresh real food diet, wouldn’t you want to choose the one with all the health benefits and none of the risks?

If you want to feed them the very best diet there is, then I recommend a diet like the ones I feed my dogs, but with the convenience of easy, breezy, home delivery. One that is formulated by a veterinarian nutritionist.

NomNom-Fresh Dog Food Delivered!

Now through ChiChis And Me you can get 50% off your first order and it’s easy to cancel anytime. This discount is only from ChiChis And Me, so click the button above to get yours today!

Spot & Tango-Fresh Dog Food Delivered!

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